Saturday, April 20, 2013

"America has never been at war with Islam - Islam is at war with the Infidels" -

Muslims first make their mark by establishing mosques in as many towns and cities as they can. These mosques range from the ostentatious, such as the one in Washington D.C., to the academically cloaked university Islamic centers, to the innocuous storefront types and even prison chapels. One and all have the same aims: Hold the faithful in line, recruit as many new adherents by any and all means, and indoctrinate one and all in the imperative of Islamic conquest.

It is in these Islamic places that the impressionable young and the fanatical adults are drilled with the duty to carry out Jihad against the Dar ul Harb (“land of war”—any place not completely under the rule of Islam.)

When President Obama, made his first visit to Turkey, ‘a Muslim nation’ as president, declared, “The United States is not and never will be at war with Islam. In fact, our partnership with the Muslim world is critical”

Then I said, Mr. Obama’s ill-advised coziness with the Muslim nations would bring down our nation faster than any foreign enemy. Mr. President, America has never been at war with Islam. On the contrary, it is Islam that has waged a war with the infidels and wants to conquer the world. Below are some quotes from Islamists and academic or educational sources:

“Islam is a revolutionary doctrine and system that overturns governments. It seeks to overturn the whole universal social order…and establish its structure anew…Islam seeks the world. It is not satisfied by a piece of land but demands the whole universe…Islamic Jihad is at the same time offensive and defensive…The Islamic party does not hesitate to utilize the means of war to implement its goal.” (Quoted by Yvonne Haddad, “Islamists and the Challenge of Pluralism,” Washington, D.C.: Center for Contemporary Arab Studies at Georgetown University, 1995, p. 10.)

“Islam wants the whole earth and does not content itself with only a part thereof. It wants and requires the entire inhabited world. It does not want this in order that one nation dominates the earth and monopolizes its sources of wealth, after having taken them away from one or more other nations. No, Islam wants and requires the earth in order that the human race altogether can enjoy the concept and practical program of human happiness, by means of which Allah has honored Islam and put it above the other religions and laws. In order to realize this lofty desire, Islam wants to employ all forces and means that can be employed for bringing about a universal all-embracing revolution. It will spare no efforts for the achievement of this supreme objective. This far-reaching struggle that continuously exhausts all forces and this employment of all possible means are called jihad.” (Quoted by Rudolph Peters, Jihad in Classical and Modern Islam, Marcus Wiener Publishers, Princeton, N.J., p. 128.

Mr. President, the Arabs who sallied out of the Arabian deserts did not fan out to the outside world with the Quran in one hand and flowers in the other, preaching love and peace from street corner to street corner, thereby capturing the hearts and minds of the people. Islam was forced upon every people at the point of the sword and the imposition of backbreaking Jazyyeh (special taxes) levied on those who were spared death and allowed to retain their religious beliefs. In spite of paying heavy Jazyyeh, the non-Muslims were treated, at best, as second-class citizens in their own homelands.

Mr. President, fourteen hundred years of Islamic terrorism is far too long for any people, although the Jews hold the record for that misfortune. The Jews have at long last returned to their homeland (and you have turned your back on them) even though they are still encircled by the vicious Arab Islamists who would like nothing better than to drown every last one of them in the sea, very much similar to the way the Islamists forced the Persian Zoroastrians out of their country or the remaining few to the edges of inhospitable desert.

As I mentioned this four years ago, it is shortsighted and even dangerous to lose our cool in the face of present problems by placing our full trust in a charismatic inexperienced man who promises a great deal that he will certainly fail to deliver. Did anyone listen?