Monday, May 28, 2012

While Negotiations Stall, Iran Steps up Uranium Enrichment

5:32 AM on Monday, May 28, 2012 - Sivan 7, 5772

Speaking on the condition of anonymity, diplomats tells the Associated Press that while Iran has been negotiating with the world’s powers, the Mullahs have been increasing uranium enrichment to its highest levels yet.

According to information obtained by the AP, the International Atomic Energy Agency has found traces of enriched uranium up to 27 percent at the Iran’s Fardo plant, which is carved into a mountain in order to protect Iran’s fledging nuclear weapons program from attack.

Although enrichment remains well below the 90 percent required for weaponization, it is the Islamic state’s highest level yet, indicating their intent to move towards that goal.

On Thursday Iran reaffirmed its commitment to its nuclear program, as negotiations with the P5+1 countries – including United States, Russia, China, France, Britain and Germany - were postponed again, without any resolution. Iranian chief negotiator Saeed Jalili stated at a press conference that a peaceful nuclear project was, "an undeniable right of the Iranian nation ... especially the right to enrich uranium." He also insisted that Iran has been sticking to its end of the bargain under the Non-Proliferation Treaty guidelines.

Talks with the rogue regime are expected to resume June 18 in Persian allied Russia, that is if Iran does not find a way to avoid negotiations in its continued effort to undermine global peace and security.